Below is just a sampling of the databases Mapping Analytics offers to customers. We also use these databases internally as part of our analytic services:
This neighborhood social stratification system groups people based on the factors that determine life’s key decisions. Age, income and martial/family status are the major drivers of consumer behavior and a proven indicator of financial, banking and investment behavior.
A predictive segmentation system that rates block groups by their households' likelihood of buying specific financial products. Used to dramatically improve customer acquisition and loyalty marketing campaigns.
estimates of financial services usage (detailing balances, households and penetration) by product for every U.S. block group offering the finest granularity without invading customer privacy. Used for location planning and marketing.
A comprehensive database updated quarterly that provides information about every bank branch location in the U.S. along with five years of deposit history. Use for location planning, mergers & acquisitions and competitive analysis.
And many more. Call us for more information on databases used specifically by banks to improve the performance of marketing and operations.
“More than just maps, they gave us the tools that helped us grow our business.”
Jim Mahoney, CEO
Financial Freedom™
Senior Funding Corporation
Discover the Empirics rating system, including sample neighbhorhood rating chart and map.